Monday, August 15, 2005

Let's see whay you can do Mr. Orange

This seems to be a challenging situation - and very much of what the City will be facing for the next decade or more. How to balance the need to redevelop while respecting the long-time residents. Mr. Orange, if you want to be mayor, let's see your leadership abilities now.

"But D.C. Council member Vincent B. Orange Sr. (D-Ward 5), a candidate for mayor who represents the area north of New York Avenue, said he would like city planning officials to make a more convincing case for taking over a playground that was renovated just a few years ago.'We just put that park together for them after there was an outcry because there was no real recreation for that community,' Orange said. 'I'm certainly in favor of the New Communities concept. I'm in favor of making sure Sursum Corda survives and people are not displaced. But I need more detail on why the New York Avenue site is of such extreme importance right now.'" Residents Decry Plan To Replace NW Park

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